Today’s update…
I thought I’d
Write a checklist of symptoms & tick which have resolved so far- obviously nerves take a loooong time to recover and some things may never return fully but, progress is progress!
?Seizures ☑️
?hiccups ☑️
?Rights sided paralysis☑️
?Excruciating headaches☑️
?Palpitations and irregular heartbeat whilst lying still☑️
?Clunking skull/neck needing traction to relocate☑️
?Projectile vomiting☑️
?Rapid weight loss☑️
?Inability to sit up☑️
?Tingling/numb little finger & big toe☑️
?Paralysis of right leg and foot☑️
?short term Memory loss☑️
?Concentration issues☑️
?Swallowing issues ☑️
?Lightening flashes in eyes☑️
?Loss of peripheral vision☑️
?Blurred vision☑️
?Light and noise sensitivity☑️
?Vertigo – still some when rolling in bed but that’s to be expected with the medications
?Extreme dizziness☑️
?Issues reading☑️
As you can see almost all of these issues have resolved and we are only on day 6 post op!
I have a lot of pain but it’s different…. it’s surgical pain and muscular pain & whilst it’s very severe & requiring a lot of strong medication I know it will lesson as I heal! ???
I have dissolvable stitches so they won’t need removed- a relief when there are soooo many!?
Here’s a photo of my incision, and one of me sitting up tonight- I only sat up for about 10 minutes in the bed & I’ve been turning onto my side for all my meals and giving my incision a break from the pressure of lying on it…. so here’s a photo of that too!