First day sitting post op- – day 6

Today’s update…

I thought I’d
Write a checklist of symptoms & tick which have resolved so far- obviously nerves take a loooong time to recover and some things may never return fully but, progress is progress!


?Seizures ☑️
?hiccups ☑️
?Rights sided paralysis☑️
?Excruciating headaches☑️
?Palpitations and irregular heartbeat whilst lying still☑️
?Clunking skull/neck needing traction to relocate☑️
?Projectile vomiting☑️
?Rapid weight loss☑️
?Inability to sit up☑️
?Tingling/numb little finger & big toe☑️
?Paralysis of right leg and foot☑️
?short term Memory loss☑️
?Concentration issues☑️
?Swallowing issues ☑️
?Lightening flashes in eyes☑️
?Loss of peripheral vision☑️
?Blurred vision☑️
?Light and noise sensitivity☑️
?Vertigo – still some when rolling in bed but that’s to be expected with the medications
?Extreme dizziness☑️
?Issues reading☑️

As you can see almost all of these issues have resolved and we are only on day 6 post op!

I have a lot of pain but it’s different…. it’s surgical pain and muscular pain & whilst it’s very severe & requiring a lot of strong medication I know it will lesson as I heal! ???

I have dissolvable stitches so they won’t need removed- a relief when there are soooo many!?

Here’s a photo of my incision, and one of me sitting up tonight- I only sat up for about 10 minutes in the bed & I’ve been turning onto my side for all my meals and giving my incision a break from the pressure of lying on it…. so here’s a photo of that too!

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About Melanie

PLEASE DONATE NOW to #MelaniesMissionToLive - a charitable trust fund created to fund specialised medical transport and world specialist, life-saving spinal and brain surgery for Mel (a 32yr old Newcastle University biology graduate from Cramlington, Northumberland) before its too late!! Due to Mel's complex underlying conditions (EDS and CCI) her only option for revision surgery to fix her broken fusion is to seek help abroad! WE NEED YOUR HELP

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