7 days after waking up from full spinal fusion…. something amazing happened

7 days since I woke from my life saving full spinal fusion surgery…. & I did something nobody expected me to do…..

Previous updated have detailed what was done during the 12hrs i was in theatre & the remarkable improvements I’ve seen so far…

So today’s is just a short update as to be honest – I’m tired!!

So, it was decided to lower my steroid dose today, (I have adrenal fatigue and take long term hydrocortisone and carry an emergency injection kit with me) & I asked to alter my diazepam to be only when I ask for it- rather than regularly.

We kept my pain relief the same with the plan of rolling over & sitting up more.

……& I did it! I rolled over for breakfast, and …….sat up for lunch! But not only just for lunch, 45 whole minutes in my wheelchair, out of bed, seizure free & eating my lunch!!!!


Since then I’ve been shattered but that’s to be expected, it’s only been a week and 45 mins is a big achievement for me (from the 10mins sat up in bed last night) thats a massive improvement! ??

I’m going to roll over again for super & sit to get washed, then have myself an early night & hopefully a good night sleep!

So, let’s see what tomorrow brings! ?

Pacing is key, little and often- something I never seem to learn ??


DONATE: to help cover the extra costs of medical flight halo and extra time In hospital:

? https://www.paypal.me/melaniesMission2Live


? http://www.melanies-mission-eds.org.uk/donate-now/

?Or purchase a wristband, key ring or hoodie from my shop: http://www.melanies-mission-eds.org.uk/shop/

About Melanie

PLEASE DONATE NOW to #MelaniesMissionToLive - a charitable trust fund created to fund specialised medical transport and world specialist, life-saving spinal and brain surgery for Mel (a 32yr old Newcastle University biology graduate from Cramlington, Northumberland) before its too late!! Due to Mel's complex underlying conditions (EDS and CCI) her only option for revision surgery to fix her broken fusion is to seek help abroad! WE NEED YOUR HELP

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