7 days since I woke from my life saving full spinal fusion surgery…. & I did something nobody expected me to do…..
Previous updated have detailed what was done during the 12hrs i was in theatre & the remarkable improvements I’ve seen so far…
So today’s is just a short update as to be honest – I’m tired!!
So, it was decided to lower my steroid dose today, (I have adrenal fatigue and take long term hydrocortisone and carry an emergency injection kit with me) & I asked to alter my diazepam to be only when I ask for it- rather than regularly.
We kept my pain relief the same with the plan of rolling over & sitting up more.
……& I did it! I rolled over for breakfast, and …….sat up for lunch! But not only just for lunch, 45 whole minutes in my wheelchair, out of bed, seizure free & eating my lunch!!!!
Since then I’ve been shattered but that’s to be expected, it’s only been a week and 45 mins is a big achievement for me (from the 10mins sat up in bed last night) thats a massive improvement! ??
I’m going to roll over again for super & sit to get washed, then have myself an early night & hopefully a good night sleep!
So, let’s see what tomorrow brings! ?
Pacing is key, little and often- something I never seem to learn ??
DONATE: to help cover the extra costs of medical flight halo and extra time In hospital:
? https://www.paypal.me/melaniesMission2Live
? http://www.melanies-mission-eds.org.uk/donate-now/
?Or purchase a wristband, key ring or hoodie from my shop: http://www.melanies-mission-eds.org.uk/shop/