So, tomorrow’s the big day… where I’m getting the remainder of my spine fused to mean I have a full spinal fusion from skull to pelvis.
The nerves are real this time… I think it’s worse this time as I know exactly what to expect! I know the pain will be brutal especially in the thoracic section as this moves every time you breathe- so just like when it subluxes, breathing and talking will be difficult and very painful.
I didn’t sleep much at all last night as I was told there was a possibility I’d be going for my surgery today instead so I was awake worrying ?
Today’s been a day of preparing, bed bath, hair brushed through, napping, getting on top of my allergies with regular iv antihistamines – (I’ve never sneezed as much as I have the last few days! Not fun in a halo, it hurts!) signing consent forms, and getting my head around everything.
The plan is to remove the broken rod, replace it and make everything as stable as possible, and then fuse the remaining section of my thoracic spine. They’re also going to take biopsy’s for culture to see if the infection they found last time has cleared- as this can weaken fusions.
We’re looking into all the options to get my bones as strong as possible so the fusion holds.
We still have a long way to go to meet the target, so any shares and donations are greatly appreciated! A massive thank you to all those who’ve supported me this far with donations and sharing my posts etc! Thank you,
Mel x