Daily archives: 02/09/2022

——CHARITABLE AUCTION —— ⚽️? PERSONALISED & signed NUFC 2022-2023 Shirt ?⚽️ We are auctioning this Seasons Newcastle United Shirt, ???????????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????l?! Alan Shearer has kindly agreed to personalise this seasons NUFC shirt with the winners: “*????*, & “Be?? ?????? ???? ???????”! ?? ????? ???? ???: Message the page with your bid, the highest bid will be displayed in the Facebook post.  […]

Charitable Auction

?? LESS THAN 5 weeks ??????£70K to raise???? ?? ???? ???? ????, ?? ????? £???? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????. PLEASE SHARE ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTA & LinkedIn! You can help save my life! My neurosurgeon has consulted specialists worldwide & created the best surgical plan possible. All […]

New campaign video!

????? ?? ? ??? ???! I’ve been having issues with my diaphragm allll night and day, then I got up and went all dizzy and vomited. My neck has been clicking in and out of place all night in the two unstable places. We’ve checked the halo and it’s all […]

Today is a bad day!