So, I went to todays appointment with a very kind and knowledgeable U.K. neurosurgeon, not expecting miracles…. but, the appointment brought more heartbreakingly tough conversations, and yet again more doors closed for me….
I think I need a little time to process it and get my head around what feels like constant doors being slammed shut in my face, time and time again.
It’s never easy easy being told you’re the only person in such an impossibly difficult situation. Stuck in a halo indefinitely, to keep me alive and breathing, with nobody in the U.K. able to help surgically.
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear”
I know I’ve been quiet as I don’t like sharing bad news…. And there’s been a multitude of it recently, but I will update you all as soon as I can, I just need a little time to find the positives again… watch this space, I’ll be back soon!
In the meantime I’m off to whinge about my ankle which I dislocated today! ?…?
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