£70,000 needed IN 3 weeks..

As you know I had surgery recently to repair torn knee cartilage. I have “difficult airway information” explaining I must have fibre optic intubation to protect my fusion. This was discussed with the anaesthetics team & I wore my neck brace to theatre.

Unfortunately these instructions weren’t followed.

Since then my symptoms rapidly returned and my condition deteriorated.

The results of my tests in Spain are:

?there is a clear break in my neck fusion (I have a broken neck) which is very unstable.

?There are now loose screws top AND bottom of my fusion.

?This is VERY dangerous and my life is at risk so I need to undergo surgery in Barcelona urgently-my surgeon advised me to stay in Spain- but I needed to return home to fundraise.

I’m provisionally booked for surgery on July 12th – less than THREE WEEKS away & need to raise the remaining £70K by then.

The surgery is much more complicated & extensive than my last one.. due to the damage that’s now present.

The skull plate will need moved higher up the back of my skull, all metalwork removed, then loose screws replaced & fusion extended to T5.

As you can imagine I’m devastated about this, and was shocked to see the damage on the scans myself. I burst into tears.

But… now I must focus on saving my life! I was doing so well before, and need to get back to that ASAP!

So, we really are on a mission, to raise £70k in less than 3weeks…

I know you guys will all support me with this & hope you can all help with fundraisers & spreading the word…. as time is not on my side.


#MelaniesMissionToLive? #Warrior?


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About Melanie

PLEASE DONATE NOW to #MelaniesMissionToLive - a charitable trust fund created to fund specialised medical transport and world specialist, life-saving spinal and brain surgery for Mel (a 32yr old Newcastle University biology graduate from Cramlington, Northumberland) before its too late!! Due to Mel's complex underlying conditions (EDS and CCI) her only option for revision surgery to fix her broken fusion is to seek help abroad! WE NEED YOUR HELP

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